An Introduction

This is us.


Before the move to China. California, August 2014.

Brandon is a grad student in Economics finishing up a dissertation while teaching economics in the international department of a Chinese high school here in Beijing. He enjoys maps/geography, traveling, reading, history, trivia, etc. He met me, Nancy, in California when we were six, we became best friends in high school.  Dated, broke up, etc. etc.  Got married and here we are 13 years and four kids later.


August 2014.

I’m Nancy and I’m lucky enough to be a stay at home mom. I also homeschool our kids.  I have a degree from Brigham Young University in English-teaching.  I enjoy reading, writing, and baking. I would love to learn about photography and have some time to write.



August 2013.

Princess Sparkley is our oldest and only girl.  She is 12 and I chose this blog nickname for her when she was three.  She’d prefer we only refer to her as PS on blogs nowadays.  She enjoys reading, writing, drawing and soccer.


Columbus, Ohio. 2013

Buddy is our first born son.  He was born on our three year wedding anniversary and has been hogging that day ever since.  He’s 10, loves soccer, Legos and all things transportation.


Little Guy is six.  He’s the unique one in the family.  Brown eyes rather than blue.  Left hand rather than right.  He gave us a scare at his start with aortic valve stenosis, but they repaired it and he’s been going strong ever since.


August 2014


Squirt is our baby.  Although he’s now two.  He’s a miniature Buddy and our first to be this blonde.  He’s spent this entire post next to me, lining up wooden blocks in long rows to make trains.  Every few minutes he comes over and taps my arm to make sure I’m seeing his new creation.

This is us.  And this is our new life in China.


October 2014. Beijing, China.

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